Every act of our life should be an offering 12/29/13 from Colombia

Hare krishna
Dandavats pranams to all of you
Srila Gurumaharaj ki jay
Srila Atulananda acarya ki jay

     Aradhya prabhu:  jay dandavats to all Gurumaharaj ki jay. Friday night Guru Maharaja arrived to bogota, more than 100 devotees where expecting him, he gave us a short class and shared some moments with us. The next morning he went to villa de leyva a traditional turistic town of boyaca where the mayor and local authorities gave him the keys of the city and named him honorable person for the city because of his ideals and different projects in benefit to mother nature, animals and human beings also for his contributions in education. There was a very nice ceremony where many kids received him with offerings and with emotional words from the mayor and from the people of town. Jagannath vallenato gave a show and later Srila Guru Maharaja dictated a lecture. The mayor committed himself to work in ecologic programs and agriculture alongside the support of Guru Maharaja.
In the afternoon Guru Maharaja and devotees went to visit the restaurant of Sevanandini mataji in the center of villa de leyva and then they went to the gurukula program whcih please Srila Guru Maharaja very much. 
This is a center where there are 9 kids that receive spiritual education, they have all the installations adequate for them, after the lecture in the night Guru Maharaj guided a arati ceremony for the constellation of sapta rishi in the hot springs. The ceremony was decorated with many candles and every body committed themselves with vows to protection of mother earth now Guru maharaj is in seva bogota ,he will start with a meeting of seva office projects and then yatra projects.

Gurudeva emphasized that we need to give more attention to good nutrition, the importance of seed protection, growing organically and to listen to the voices of the farmers and natives so generations to come can have a future in this earth. At night when he gave the lecture how one should heal all bad relationships that may exist between devotees as well as with all living entities so we can work in harmony. He also spoke about the importance of education. It should not be based in the concepts of consumerism which society imposes us upon us but an education with values that really teaches children and young people how to live in a system
where many living entities live in harmony and everyone is respected. All the technology and media are constructing models for fooling young people and schooling is where these models are imposed, where consumerism is the most important, only a cheating system to enrich companies. The educational enterprises are involved in creating consumerism models and they utilize our information that we give them and they find our needs only for the purpose of enriching themselves. Now the meeting is going to start.
The lecture begins, jay Srila Gurumaharaj
Dear devotees,

Please receive all my affection from Colombia. Today i send you a message from the center of operation, seva colombia, where we are discussing how to serve better Srila Prabhupada through the Vrinda family. The theme of today is very important: every act of our life should become an offering.

Somedays ago I was in contact with a native priest of South America that is an expert in offerings. She told me that the barriers that exist between a human being and the divinity will be trespassed through the act of offering in the form of sound in other words by songs. These offerings done with love and surrender to the divinity goes directly to the spiritual world. This is the power and the mystic of the divine sound, divine songs with divine messages that promote divine entertainment and offering is not something that is just repeated as if we were parrots, they are invocations full of spiritual meaning and as we invoke the spiritual master reciting his glorification mantra Om nitya lila pravistha om vishnupad paramahamsa parivrajakacarya Sri Srimad Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ki jay... in this prayer I am asking for the blessing of Srila Prabhupada, i am saying : Prabhupada i am here , i am yours, i belong to you, i want to live for you and do what ever you want me to do. This is complete divine sound and the divine sound goes beyond the sky, beyond barriers of the mind, of intelligence and false ego, and it enters to the world of devotion.

The songs of our acaryas such as Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur are full of this divine sound and this divine meaning, imploring to the Supreme Lord for refuge and that we may give our heart completely. These prayers remove all the dirtiness of our interior world and all that is around us as well as that which keeps us away from Krsna, that is removed. All obstacles between you and God are strongly removed if you cry for mercy. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Narottama Das Thakura are incredible examples. Each of their songs is a divine explosion of dedication and devotion. What we have to do is bring people the knowledge and understanding that God's love is the reality, that love for Sri Sri Radha Krsna is the Supreme reality, not this world of illusion, this is not the reality. What do you prefer? Is it your desire to be with the Supreme reality of love or the world of illusion ?
Krsna is the reality, we can listen from Him, we can worship Him, we can serve Him, we are connected with Him and with vrindavan through hearing and by chanting the holy names. Thus in the process of offering, of reciting divine sounds, we have to be very respectful and never commit offenses against devotees, an example is the pastime of  the immolation of sati, the chaste wife of Siva. Even if you do great yajnas with all the brahminical procedures, nothing is succesful if you commit offenses against the devotees, take for example the prajapati daksa, a higher brahmana who committed offenses against Lord Siva. So we pray profoundly to Gopesvara Mahadev so he can save us from the offenses against devotees, we should never forget that we will die in any moment, so we have to remember the sweet name of Lord Krsna  as our only hope. With this messsage i say goodbye to you so we can continue with our seva office meeting in bogota. 

Srila Prabhupada ki jay.
Your Always Well Wisher,
B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami

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